Get to know Remote Server IPv4 Address in a Pythonic Way

Python is loved ❤️ by all sorts of people from Web Developers to Machine Learning Enginneers and Systems Programmers to Game Developers. So it's no surprise that Python can do Network Programming too.
Ever wondered about the IP addressess of the websites you visit on a daily basis but don't know where to start? If this strikes a chord with you then you are at the right place. So get right into the action.
All you need is less than 5 lines of Python Code
Let's get Started
Importing Socket
Python has a native Socket Module which does all the hard work for us
First step is importing Socket
import socket
use gethostbyname() Method
After importing the socket module, leverage the power of 'gethostbyname()' method by storing it in a variable and pass the remote server host or domain name of your interest(not the URL) as an argument.
Host => ''
URL => ''
The gethostbyname Method usually accepts a single parameter ie.the host name and returns the IPv4 address as a string.
Socket.gethostbyname() Syntax
And the real code
host = ""
result = socket.gethostbyname("")
That's all you ever need
Here's the entire program
import socket
host = ""
result = socket.gethostbyname("")
You will get the IPv4 address printed as a string
This is one of the easiest ways to know about the IPv4 address of any server you like in a typical pythonic way and it can never get as simple as this.
See you all my fellow pythonistas